Loud and Louder at HMV
After recent performances at Belladrum and Bfest, Toby Michaels Rolling Damned turned up the volume at HMV, Inverness on the 22nd of August, 2013. We caught some photos of the set.
James search for perfection
An interview with Larry Gott of James about Belladrum, the way forward and new music.
Upping the Temperature
Steven Barclay, Neon Knights and Devil’s Queen took to the stage for the second summer showcase at the Ironworks.
XpoNorth 2016
Jemma Get’s Going
Jemma Tweedie talks to Inverness Gigs about her music, her plans for the Summer and her love of Rockness, among other things…
Devil’s Queen plan Debut
The hard rock four-piece, Devil’s Queen debut at The Eagle on the 11th of May, 2013.
Recent News
The Magic Numbers, Unplugged at The Ironworks
19th of September 2013 sees the Magic Numbers take their acoustic tour to The Ironworks, Inverness.
Just One Friday in February
A quick skip throught the Inverness music scene on a drab February, Friday night
Inverness Local Bands
ROADWAY plans ahead
Ross McEwen updates us on his recent accident and ROADWAY plans.
Jim Gellatly talk to invernessGiGs
invernessGiGs relationship with Jim Gellatly started off on dodgy footing (he’ll explain read on) however we know that Jim’s a lovely guy and as...