Tag: estrella

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Estrella support H.E.A.T.

Estrella have been announced as part of the support for Swedish rockers, H.E.A.T. when they play Stereo, Glasgow on 9 April 2013.

Estrella reports

Estrella talk to us about the past few months and plans for the future ahead of their gig at Mad Hatters on the 21st of September.

Get a little extra at Tescos

The Tesco Extra music festival returns with a quintet of acts playing on Saturday 28th July from 1200 til 1700.

Estrella talks to invernessGiGs

We caught up with Estrella prior to their gig at Mad Hatters, Inverness on the 24th of March, 2012.

Jim Gellatly talk to invernessGiGs

invernessGiGs relationship with Jim Gellatly started off on dodgy footing (he’ll explain read on) however we know that Jim’s a lovely guy and as...
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