Last updated 14/11/2019
What is Inverness Gigs?
Inverness Gigs is a guide to the local gig scene, helping you find news about music, local bands, concerts and events of interest in Inverness and the surrounding areas.
So you’re a blog?
No, not at all. A blog is normally written by a single person or a small group with very similar tastes and a joint remit. Inverness Gigs is an online magazine with editorial and photography submitted by a growing list of contributors, covering a wide range of genres.
What sort of things are in Inverness Gigs?
Our priority is to provide news on gigs in Inverness, although we also provide reviews, previews, general comment and more than the occasional photograph.
Why do you review gigs etc?
The aim for us reviewing acts on the site, is to provide “fair” comment and constructive feedback. There are plenty of blogs and websites that wax lyrical about all music. We do not sign up to the concept that because it is local it must be good, nor do we sign up to the overtly negative attitude to certain acts or venues. Our aim is to have acts say that we have been “fair” in our evaluation.
How do I report a mistake or an inaccuracies?
We try our best to avoid mistakes, but we pride ourselves in correcting errors as quickly as possible, so please accept our apologies and email us at and we will get it sorted.
Can we use your photographs?
The majority of photographs that we use on the site are given to us for use on the website and related business. If you want use the photos on the website PLEASE DON’T! without contacting the photographer directly for permission. If you are struggling to find who the photographer is please email us at with the url of the image and we will give you the contact details of the photographer as soon as we can.
Why do you have adverts?
As Inverness Gigs is self financed with the bulk of the work being driven by enthusiasm, but as with any business we have overheads, so advertising allows us a small income stream to cover those.
So you get paid?
No, not at all. We are very lucky to have dedicated music fans who are committed to providing coverage of the local scene. All contributors are volunteers.
I am in a band and we want some promotion?
We want to cover as much live music and stuff as possible, but prefer to use material that is fresh – we would be happy to set up interviews with musicians to ensure a different perspective than ones already covered in the mainstream. Please contact us at
I want to complain, you didn’t cover my gig, or didn’t take a photograph of us?
Sorry, whilst we try our best, the limitation of time and availability of contributors mean that we need to make some tough decisions. Please feel free to give us a shout though and we will see what we can do next time.
Any other questions, please email us at or use our contact form.