Hò-rò For Debut Album Launch

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Hò-rò launch new album with Bogbain gig.

Priding themselves with blending fresh concepts to Scottish Trad music, the four piece have announced their much anticipated debut album and subsequent promotional tour.

When we talked to Calum MacPhail prior to their Ironworks headlined gig in January, he identified that despite their desire to innovate there are similar themes that tie the band together;

“…overall I think we take a lot from our roots. Lucy loves researching traditional songs from where she grew up.Their are some really lovely Gaelic songs that have come from Ballachulish and the surrounding area. With our tunes Calum and Crisdean write a lot of their own tunes. And the vibe is always very upbeat and you can always have a good footstomp to them.”

As in many groups change brings vitality, Calum explained how it works for him “I’m always listening to new tunes and songs and hearing new ideas. And not just from trad music. I listen to such a variety of different music. And I feel like we can always learn new techniques from other genres. So I like trying to incorporate these ideas into our arrangements. So all of that put together is how we come up with our material.”

Whilst the forthcoming album certainly will lead the way for new opportunities, when we spoke to Calum he was clear that it was the European excursion that stood out; “I would say one of  the highlights of our career so far would be traveling to Italy to perform at Celtica . It’s a beautiful Celtic festival situated in the mountains of Italy. The view from the main stage was incredible. Traveling is something we all love doing. And being able to do it while we play music, is quite something. We feel really lucky that we can do that.”

The official release of the debut album (which you can buy here) will be at Bogbain Farm on the 14th of July with a tour planned after that.

A notefrom the editor

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.If you want get in touch you can contact me direct at invernessgigs@gmail.com

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