Recent News
Colin gets anchored
After the announcement that Colin Macleod had signed to Middle of Nowhere records, he releases his first EP with the label.
XpoNorth 2016
Hushed at goNORTH
A review of Wednesday night, the Fifth of June, at goNORTH 2013, featuring Rachel Sermanni, The Boy Who Trapped the Sun, Ilona and Three Blind Wolves
goNORTH 2013
goNORTH – Music, Merch and FIRE.
A review of Wednesday night, the fifth of June, at goNORTH 2013.
Recent News
Ironworks Unplugged presents The Boy Who Trapped the Sun
Colin Macleod (The Boy Who Trapped the Sun) will be playing and acoustic set on Friday the 10th of May at the Ironworks, Inverness.
Inverness Local Bands
Ironworks Heads up again!!!
The Boy Who Trapped the Sun (aka 25-year-old Isle of Lewis native Colin MacLeod) will be playing the Ironworks on Wednesday the 1st of...