Foreign Mornings, Bella 24 Interview

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We catch up with Michael of Foreign Mornings ahead of Belladrum 2024 and ask them a few questions.

What would be your FFO list?

I’d always say Foo Fighters or Snow Patrol and we get compared to Dinosaur Jr and Weezer from time to time so i guess those too.

Tell us a little about how the band came to be and a story so far.

We’re from Belfast in Northern Ireland, at some point we started playing music together and with no real intention of ever taking it seriously we ended up doing just that. I wish I could offer some exciting story but it really is quite dull. We spent a good year sitting around waiting for gigs and getting a couple before realising we can just run our own gigs and put ourselves on the bill.

We’ve been running with that mentality all over Ireland and it’s done wonders for us. We used the money we’d gathered from that to record an album ourselves in our kitchen at home. People seemed to really like it and we’ve been slowly building a fan base since.

As an act, how has 2024 treated you so far?

2024 has taken us on our first tours around Ireland which has been fun. We’ve spent most of the year in the practice creating demo’s for a second album. We’ve got a lot coming up from September- December which we have not announced yet but we’re very excited for.

You have three original songs to wow the Belladrum audience, which ones would they be and why?

Firstly our latest single ‘I Don’t Think I Love You Anymore’, it’s kind of the newer direction we’re heading in so it’s a must i suppose.

Two songs off our album, ‘Let’s Go Home’ and ‘Good Enough’ probably make the cut too. ‘Let’s Go Home’ is our all time ‘the gig gets great after we play this‘ song so we just have to have it. Good Enough always really gets people going to so we have to have it.

Festivals are renowned for horrible clashes, which act on the Belladrum line-up would you least like to clash with and why?

Probably Pillow Queens, they’re a band i really like but i’ve never seen them live so it would be a shame to miss them.

What are you favourite memories of Belladrum?

We played the festival last year for the very first time. It was the first big festival we ever played and we got treated so well which was quite exciting. Walking onto a stage in a packed out tent miles from home also just felt really nice, the whole thing was just great.

Given the Love theme, if you had to create a love playlist with only five songs, what would be on it?

‘Something’ The Beatles 

‘Just Like Heaven’ The Cure

 ‘How To Be Dead’ Snow Patrol

‘Not Strong Enough’ BoyGenius’

‘Love Really Hurts without you’ Billy Ocean

If you could travel back in time which Belladrum would you like to revisit?

I saw Biffy Clyro and Echo and the Bunnymen played in 2006 so that might win it for me

In your act’s repertoire, what is the most romantic song you have?

Probably a song called 19, it’s about two people who love each other having to take separate roads in life.

What’s on the horizon for you after Belladrum?

We’re working on a second album, we’re probably aiming to have a load of songs in a demo form by the end of summer to start whittling down to a reasonable number to record. We’ve got plenty of live dates planned for the end of the year too which we’re very excited for.

Foreign Mornings perform at Seedlings stage on 1255 on Friday and can keep track of the band here.

Images from Belladrum 2023 by Gordon Doherty image no 15284718041353 - Foreign Mornings, Bella 24 Interview


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