IGigs Podcast #13b

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Dave Maciver introduces the 13th (part b) IGigs podcast.

The second part of Dave and Alan’s adventures at Belladrum (first part can be found here) sees the guys interview a few more acts and get a lovely acoustic track by November Lights.

In the show:

November Lights – Lonely
Interview with Skjor
Interview with Josephine Sillars and Morgan from Emme Woods (and Bubbles)
Interview with Stillhound
Andrew Taylor from Dropkick – Out Of Tune

About the Podcast

IGigs Podcast features local music, acts coming to the area, the occasional live session & interview and anything else that take’s our fancy.

If you want to feature on the show please email us at podcast@IGi.gs

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Remember to check out the first Belladrum special;

IGigs Podcast #13a

A notefrom the editor

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Dave MacIver
Dave MacIver
Dave trained as an actor back in the 20th century so obviously he has a day (night) job in a call centre now. By no fault of his own he started covering the music scene and has been stuck there ever since. Podcasting in various forms for about a decade, and a couple of years of radio, has culminated in the show here. Dave watches a lot of Netflix, and is very chill. He also cares about Oxford commas.

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