Mark Allison reviews 2011

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Mark Allison joined the invernessGiGs fray in the middle of 2011 and surprisingly is one of only two active musicians on our contributors books. He has also brought with him a good bit of knowledge about the local scene. So what  does Mark think of 2011……

302443 1932321590274 1309309829 31624554 5216971 n thumb - Mark Allison reviews 2011

What’s your involvement in the music scene ?

Guitarist and songwriter for the Wildflowerz, reviewer for invernessGiGs, instigator/marketing for Ross County big gigs (JLS this year, look out for next year), occasional promoter, general music fan.

How has 2011 been for you musically?

Frustrating on the band front. Played one of the worst gigs of my life at Ceol-Mor! On the plus side, after three years, we have finally found our ‘sister’! With the arrival of new Wildflowerz singer Becky Mutch in August.

On the review and gigging front, fantastic. Highlight was meeting and interviewing the guys from Vintage Trouble but also enjoyed Adam Ant at the Ironworks earlier in the year.

What was the best local act this year. and why?

James Mackenzie and the Aquascene. Although I would not confess to being the biggest fan of his music, I know James well and admire how hard he has worked this year.

What was the best non-local act you have seen this year?

Without a shadow of a doubt, that prize goes to Vintage Trouble. They were great at Belladrum and awesome at the Ironworks.

What was your favourite music experience this year?

My music highlight of the year on a main level was meeting and sharing a coffee with Vintage Trouble. On a more personal note it was meeting our new singer Becky and feeling the relief and joy that we had found a kindred spirit.

What do you want from Santa?

A little bit of fairy dust sprinkled on the Wildflowerz for 2012!

What’s your hopes for the music scene in 2012?

On the local front I would like all those involved in the local music scene whether it be a young band, promoter or industry person to work together with a common goal then it can only grow bigger and better for all of us. If you don’t it wont and we will always get what we have always had. Simple!

What are your plans for 2012?

Wildflowerz new songs in the pipeline to be released and climb up the international Reverbnation chart, and back in my directors chairs for some special accompanying videos. Gigs all over the uk in small and large venues, possible trip to Europe and generally stepping in to the unknown two years later than we hoped to!

Got anything to plug?

I think I just did, but since you mention it The WildflowerzThe Wildflowerz… The Wildflowerz!

Thanks to Mark Allison

A notefrom the editor

Support live music in Inverness by supporting IGigs! For over 10 years, IGigs has been showcasing the best of the local music scene through previews, reviews, photographs, and more. But maintaining the website incurs costs, and your support can help keep this invaluable resource alive.

Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.In fairness fifteen years of being a psychiatric nurse never prepared me for the experiences that we have had over the last few years and the evolution of Inverness Gigs has certainly been a steep learning curve.I currently write (less and less), edit and co-ordinate most of the Inverness Gigs activities.Occasionally seen on Twitter, and  LinkedIn, if you want get in touch you can contact me via our Facebook page.

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