Frank has been one of the mainstays of the invernessGiGs team over 2011, putting in the work and hours on top of his many other commitments. He is part of the reason why invernessGiGs has done so well this year, so it seems right that we finish our reviews of the year with Frank..
What’s your involvement in the music scene?
I preview, review and interview for InvernessGiGs (and anything else that is put my way!)
How has 2011 been for you musically?
Exceptionally good. Went to more festivals than I had planned, met some really interesting and talented people and saw many memorable gigs.
What was the best local act this year. and why?
Although there are many very good local acts, who I mention below in my hopes for 2012, one was head and shoulders above the rest, pause for effect………The Little Mill of Happiness. Great sets at both Belladrum and the Summer Showcases culminated in their EP launch at Ig:lu.The EP has been one of the most played on my iPhone this year.
What was the best non-local act you have seen this year?
A few stand-outs include, Anna Calvi. The Guillemots and Benjamin Francis Leftwich at Belladrum. Katie Sutherland and Pete Lawrie at Mad Hatters. Glasvegas, Beardyman and The Wombats at Rockness. Mike Skinner, The Pierces and The Lafontaines at T in the Park. Equally acts such as Gogobot at Rockness and Aerials Up and Stanley Odd at Jocktoberfest made strong impressions too. I wouyld be remiss if I ignored Kassidy who have excelled themselves this year on the three times that I saw them. I could add so many more, but from the above list of nominations, I would have to edge it to Anna Calvi and her stand out performance at Belladrum. That will live long in my memory.
What was your favourite music experience this year?
Without doubt having the opportunity to see Adam Ant at the Ironworks. I thought Adam was one that got away when I wasn’t able to see him at the Apollo in Glasgow during my teens. So, not only did he turn up, he played for nearly 2 hours. Unbelievably good night.
At the last minute I altered my review to include a performance on 15 December. I have yet to see schools get credit on invernessGiGs, but I feel this is time for it. At Culloden Academy I enjoyed a great night of musical entertainment. Not only were there many talented youngsters, there was also a high standard of original material and interpretations of existing standards. If this was an insight into the future, well it is in safe hands.
What do you want from Santa?
For my kids to be happy! I would also love to have a camera like the photographers have (not that I would know what to do with it!) but somehow think that I forgot to put it on my letter to Santa. (so might have to do something about it myself)
What’s your hopes for the music scene in 2012?
More of the same please!
It will be good to see the development of some of the acts which emerged this year such as Megan Blyth and Graham Brown. Seeing a bit more of the Whisky River Band, KOBI, Team Kapowski and The Boosts won’t go amiss either. Also to see if some of the more established local acts such as Iain McLaughlin & and the Outsiders and James MacKenzie & The Aquascene can break through nationally. As well as the acts, we need good and well supported venues and festivals. It would be great if more people came out to see some of our local acts. Unlike other cities, the vast majority of quality local acts are free to see in Inverness. So next time you go to a local gig drag along someone who would rather sit in front of the TV and watch the X Factor and let them see some real talent.
Also, It would also be good if Rockness could do a bit better and provide a real stage for the unsigned acts next year. Also great to see the impression that the likes of CK Events have made on the area, bringing in performers that also bring people to Inverness.
What are your plans for 2012?
More of the same! I’m happy to go where the music is.
Got anything to plug?
A few holes in my music collection!
Thanks very much to Frank and , of course, Matt.