Many thanks to David Heaney for the review of the second Achiltibuie Battle of the Bands…
Well…. the second Achiltibuie battle of the bands lived up to all expectations. Thanks to all the performers who travelled from as far as Inverness and Grantown. Also, the sound and lighting guys, Calum and Ruaridh, who put in a massive shift, my glamorous assistant who cooked the pizzas, the hall committee who supported the event and ran the bar, also the audience and the judges.
The first match of the night was a foursome of local pipers V The Lost who had managed to find their way down the single track. The pipers were magnificent but more keen to retire to the bar than to proceed in the tournament and bowed out gracefully. Next up was Car Crash Karaoke, playing Katy Perry, Pink in a rather distinct style, and they controversially knocked out High school band Da MonkeyPunk, who perhaps deserved better, with their own compositions and fan club. Sean, Angus and Stan were too cool for school, and will be back again
The Federals gave us their well known Johnny Cash influenced country music and they knocked out an afro-highland outfit from Inverness, with the superb name of Keilidhmanjaro, again I’m sure we will hear more.
The Rogues hit us next with some well crafted popular Irish songs the band are really coming together and they drew with last band of the night, Jaded from Inverness, who were welcome back from last year.
Another round and it became clear that it was between The Lost, with classic metal/ rock ‘n roll and Jaded who were anything but, with their lively poppy punk rock, and a Remain on stage with them for their version of blitzkrieg bop. Neither band were alive when these genres were at their peak, both brought real energy and talent to their performances.
The judges were real stars, despite some substitutions*, and agonised over the decision. “By a ba’hair”, (judges words not mine) and with some audience participation. The final decision, and they are getting a bit of reputation for winning these kind of competitions, were The Lost. So expect to see a bit more of them about the invernessGiGs site in the next few weeks.
by David Heaney
photos by Peter Haring