Lost in the Ocean – Single Review

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The 27th of July sees the release of James Mackenzie’s new single ‘Lost in the Ocean’.

His voice delivers strength without pushing the boundaries of overintensity

The follow up to ‘Air That we Breathe’ sees James step it up a notch or two. Where ‘Air We Breathe’ is intimate and personal in atmosphere, ‘Lost in The Ocean’, is its sweeping complement. Emotional, yes, but also expansive verging on the anthemic but tempered to convey the feeling of the song – ‘drowning in my emotion, I need a hand to hold, to pull me up and never let me go’. His voice delivers strength without pushing the boundaries of overintensity.

There is a balance to the song, interest is held from start to finish, and it’s well crafted. It conjures up a seascape in the mind’s eye, and with that effect, it delivers.  

The Honeymoon period may be over as James returns to Scotland but he still has a lot of tales to tell and plenty to offer.

James Mackenzie’s new single ‘Lost in the Ocean’ is released on the 27th of July on all the normal channels.

Read our recent interview with James Mackenzie, where he talks about his tour.

A notefrom the editor

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Frank Finlayson
Frank Finlayson
Chartered surveyor by day, music reviewer by night, and occasionally I get to use my camera. A strange mix, but one that I enjoy. A chance meeting in the queue for Bella in 2010 led to the opportunity to write for InvernessGigs; a far cry from the days of writing for a football fanzine back in the late 80s, early 90s. My interests lie between the mainstream, the emerging and the local. Increasingly I find that we have more than enough locally to entertain us to necessitate a trip south. I’m always happy to give a listen, whatever the genre. Inverness has a plethora of talent, all of which I am more than keen to write about. If it encourages just one person to make the effort to listen to some new music I’ll be happy. You can contact Frank direct via frankieboyfin@gmail.com

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