Belladrum 2022 Q and A with Chancers

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We catch up with Jake, Archie and Lauren of Chancers ahead of their performance at Belladrum 2022.

If you are reading this and still have not get tickets use this Belladrum 2022 ticket link to make sure you do not miss out.

You have ten words to describe your act, no more no less…

Jake: Calypso thrash mod country swing tunes with vodka/slush-puppy cocktails

Lauren: Ginger spice, Young spice, Grey Spice, Spicy Noods, Nae Spice

As an act how how does it feel to be back post-COVID?

Jake: Fun & games & empty wallets

Lauren: The smell of sweat. Plus pints in a real glass (even plastic/paper festival ones).

Archie: Feels good to be able to reconnect with humans + make a noise.

Given the myths and legends theme of Belladrum 2022, can you tell us a myth or legend of Chancers? 

Jake: Archie is both myth & legend

Archie: That we’re all descendants of Frank Spencer

Lauren: One of Chancers band members changed their first name legally.

Which legend (non-musical!) would you have appear on stage with you and what song would you play with them?

Archie: Frank Spencer and we’d obviously play ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’.

Lauren: Davie Gnome – Jake: Singing Rolling Stones ‘Beast of Burden’ of course

Jake: Arnold Schwarzenegger singing ‘No Woman No Cry’

There have been a few musical legends play Belladrum over the years which performance would you most like the opportunity to see again?

Archie: Macfloyd

Lauren: Rob Heron + the Teapad Orchestra

Jake: Ol’ Tom Jones, Nine Black Alps or Jyrojets

How are you preparing for your Belladrum performance, what are your plans after you have played?

Jake: shot shot pint shot pint sick

Nile Rodger’s, passenger, the whiskys, pale moon, the collective

Archie: I’m drinking 8 cans of Irn Bru a day + doing finger weights and afterwards I’m going to catch as much music as possible and check myself into Irn Bru rehab.

If your set only consisted of three songs and one extra cover, which ones would they be and why?

Arch: ‘Does this sound like me’, ‘Glue’ and ‘Towers’ because they’re nice wee tunes with cool energy’s and I think we play them quite well together and the cover would be the original Fireman Sam theme tune cause it’s a total banger.

Lauren: Same as above. Cover- ‘Drinkenstein’ by Sylvester Stallone.

Jake: The hits! Plus Alans Psychedelic Breakfast

And a wee bit of festival madness…

Who’d win a fight between Nessie and Godzilla?

Jake: Nessie would be worse than useless out of water, let’s be honest.

Lauren: Whoever’s got more midge repellent on.

Archie: Whoever wasn’t crushed by the ensuing chaos.

You’re out for a few drinks, what other artist that you know, would turn it in to a legendary night?

Archie: Pure Grief

Jake: Market bar on tour!

Lauren: The Whiskys, Pale Moon, Lucille, Astrid, Sarah Gallagher, Pure Grief, Dihydro… etc etc

Is Nessie real?

Archie: I’m a pacifist but definitely a unicorn sized Nessie

What would you rather fight, a unicorn the size of Nessie or 20 unicorn sized Nessies?

Lauren: Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it

What is your favourite urban legend?

Archie: The one with Tara Reid in it, only joking. I’ve never seen them.

Jake: Lib kennedy’s bubble

Lauren: Urban Legends: Final Cut

If you had to form a 4 piece band from legendary creatures what instrument would each play and why? Also what would you call the Mythical band?

Archie: The Muppets as they’re already well established and I could just slot in. ‘The Archettes featuring Archie’

Jake: The ultimate power trio –

Kraken on drums – obviously

Steve Irwin on bass

Gandalf the Pink on guitar and vox


Sloth Goonies – Lead vocs

Smaug – Professional Clapper, though I don’t think he’s got any hands

Dracula- harmonica

You can see Chancers at Belladrum 2022, performing Thurs 28th July – Bella Bar – 6:30pm. All things Belladrum can be found on our Belladrum Festival Page. Check out The Chancers website.

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.If you want get in touch you can contact me direct at

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