Josephine Sillars and The Manic Pixie Dreams​ Announce New Single

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Josephine Sillars and The Manic Pixie Dreams​ are to release new track ‘Is This Love?’ in August, 2018.

Josephine Sillars has always written reflective and thought provoking songs even back in the day when she played keyboard solo on an ironing board. Now with her band The Manic Pixie Dreams​  she is drawing on her experience of university life in Glasgow and widening her horizons.

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New single ‘Is This Love?’ sees a confident Josephine ask this question, but with a probing mind and certain cynicism. There is hurt and questioning as lyrically she seeks an answer. Musically it explores the areas of dreaminess that Florence and the Machine reach, but equally has Josephine’s spin. Josephine is stretching her earlier boundaries to strong effect and notice is no doubt being taken.

They were recently selected to represent the UK as part of Excite Music 2018, a collaborative touring network based across Europe. Following the release of ‘Is It Love?​’, the band will showcase at Live At Heart​, Örebro, Sweden as part of the project.

‘Is It Love?’ ​is due to be released on the 17th of August 2018, via Scottish independent label Undercurrent Records​, accompanied by a limited run of cassettes and a launch party at Broadcast in Glasgow on the 18th of August.

See our review of Josephine’s acclaimed show;
Ripped From The Wire Spine

A notefrom the editor

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Frank Finlayson
Frank Finlayson
Chartered surveyor by day, music reviewer by night, and occasionally I get to use my camera. A strange mix, but one that I enjoy. A chance meeting in the queue for Bella in 2010 led to the opportunity to write for InvernessGigs; a far cry from the days of writing for a football fanzine back in the late 80s, early 90s. My interests lie between the mainstream, the emerging and the local. Increasingly I find that we have more than enough locally to entertain us to necessitate a trip south. I’m always happy to give a listen, whatever the genre. Inverness has a plethora of talent, all of which I am more than keen to write about. If it encourages just one person to make the effort to listen to some new music I’ll be happy. You can contact Frank direct via

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