Five New Changes to Belladrum

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How did Belladrum 2016 develop from last year?

Every year Belladrum brings with it changes we look at the one the ones that have caught our eye when looking round the event in 2016.

The Garden Got a New Stage

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The Garden Stage sees the removal of the shell like structure to a far more industrial even utilitarian stage, far more rigging, the result a bit more lighting and what feels like more room on the stage. Especially for the bigger acts it appeared to work really well.

Mother’s Ruin Got Flighty

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The “stage” that played host to headliners Alan Macpherson and Polymath and an array of DJ’s have seen a radical change in the layout. Gone is the slightly precarious pitch, with the decks from on the floor, but still in flight as they are housed in the cockpit of a plane. The dance floor appeared to be radically reduced, but in reality it meant more dancing and such on the outskirts of the venue. The much loved elephant has moved out, we couldn’t see him anywhere else, hopefully he will pop up again somewhere…

Staying Cool

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The brand new stage hosting a bit of Jazz and Blues, found itself housed on beside the MainStage and VIP areas.”Bloody Lovely..might be one of my favourite places” one of contributors relayed.With it’s red tin roof, terraced seating and chilled vibe it has shown that Belladrum has an absolute knack of creating these unique spaces.

The Shows Are In Town

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The vintage styling of the much loved carousel sees it joined by a medium sized Ferris Wheel, Helter Skelter and Dodgems.The style fits in with the feel of the festival, and they will steal the heart and pounds of many a child. For the more adventurous the long zip slide catered for the more adventurous.

Beware Of The Flowers

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Following on from their success at Brew at the Bog, the work of Wild Gorse Studio could be seen in the head-ware and installations throughout the festival.Quite beautiful to behold indeed.

The joy of Belladrum is in the discovery, but the size and the creativity of Belladrum makes it impossible to catch and see everything, it’s one of the things that makes the place so special.

All our Belladrum coverage can be found here, and if you need to buy upgrades for the festival, using this link means that you are also supporting the website.

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to helpĀ promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.If you want get in touch you can contact me direct at

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