Zen and the music review

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LockStock at Blackfriars, Inverness 24/10/15. A review.

It is the best part of a year since the ides conspired to allow me out for a pint and some philosophical discussions – did the Moon landings really happen? etc.

Thus last Saturday evening saw us in Blackfriars sampling an interesting range of ales – Hoppyness from the Loch Ness Brewery was my favourite.

We were just leaving when a couple of friends wandered in.  They were down to see local group LockStock.  So fate/coincidence/Zen whatever kicked in.  We got yarning and LockStock appeared and got set up.  I’d never seen them before so it was interesting to look in on the process.  The group are a three piece – two guitarists and a bassist.  They have no drummer and instead rely on a tape/drum machine effects box.

I must say that both my friend and I were very impressed by what we heard – the others had heard the band before – they played at their wedding dance.  The band played a wide range of covers whilst we were in.  Funnily enough earlier in the week (fate/coincidence/Zen) I had been listening to Tom and Ben Paley – Paley & Son and the first section of their Saturday set had a fair bit of Americana in it – echoing the Paleys.

Perhaps the group have thought about it and rejected the idea but I wonder if they have considered recruiting a drummer.  This has made a huge difference to the sound and range of another local band Dorec-A-Belle – broadening it out and enriching it.  Please consider – otherwise a cracking band – recommended.

Thanks to Del and his team for continuing to provide a wide range of good atmosphere, beers and music.

A notefrom the editor

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Rob Polson
Rob Polson
Rob Polson can’t play a note but loves listening to music, especially played live. Likes any sort of music but particularly interested in ambient, early and world music. Being involved with InvernessGigs gives me the opportunity to get out and about and listen to music, try some new beer and also to develop my writing skills.

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