With tickets going on sale for Belladrum 2016, we look at 10 reasons to buy your ticket;
1) They go quick. This year the significant batch of tickets were gone by February, which proved that tickets selling out quickly due to Tom Jones being announced in 2014 was no fluke. We are happy to put money on all weekend tickets going before the end of 2015.
2) Belladrum is the hottest ticket on the Highland festival scene/ social diary. Other festivals have an important role to play, but Belladrum despite only becoming a teenager in 2016 (as it turns thirteen) is the Grand daddy of them all.

3) Tartan Heart, will ,no doubt, follow the trend for expansion. 2015 saw the significant increase in VIP facilities with Heilan Coo area being well recomended by those that chose to upgrade. Perhaps more importantly the addition of the third night of mainstage entertainment, in 2015 the headline slot going to The Proclaimers set the atmosphere for the rest of the event. For 2016 the festival site will open at 10 am , and there are plans afoot for an earlier kick off to the main stage entertainment
4) Tartan Heart festival tickets make great Christmas presents and even better surprise Christmas presents! Whilst we still mourn the loss of the well designed tickets of the early years of Belladrum, a little bit of improvisation will no doubt remedy this.
5) You don’t want to miss (enter act or activity here), from new acts to legends of the music scene, from comedy to arts and crafts. The magic of Belladrum is the wide reaching nature of the event, and you don’t really want that , if only feeling?
6) The earlier you buy your ticket the more time you have to look forward to Belladrum. Let’s face it we all need something to look forward and the thought of a sunny few days in August at Belladrum will get you through the long dark nights of winter. Its only (enter the amount of nights til Belladrum) sleeps to go.
7) Let the speculation begin. With only one act announced so far, it’s so much better to await this occasional messages confirming your favourite acts, knowing smuggly that you already have your tickets. We get the feeling that , similar to Loopallu, the festival could sell out before an act is announced. So play the guessing game the safe way.

8) Buy now, pay later. Belladrum have arranged the scheme in the past, a great way to ensure that you have the tickets secure, just remember to pay the remainder of the money.
9) When they are gone they are gone. Well they are not really you can always rely on “your mates friend who said they knew someone who had a ticket and might not be going anymore, but they will find out for definite next week” or the resale of tickets via Skiddle that saw the returned tickets sold in a few minutes this year.
10) If you don’t get them the touts will. Belladrum repeatedly warn against the dangers of buying from unofficial secondary markets such as ebay and facebook. However until Glastonbury style measures are put in place, this will continue to be an issue. Seeing inflated prices for personal profit is a great bone of contention, buy now, buy direct.
Belladrum 2016 will be held from the 4th – 6th of August.
You can buy your tickets NOW for Belladrum 2016 from here.
Please enter your other reasons for getting Belladrum 2016 tickets quickly below.