We are proud to announce that Inverness Gigs will be hosting an exhibition of music photography at Eden Court Theatre from Sunday 26th January 2014 to Sunday 23rd February 2014.
Catching live music images has been one of the important elements of the website’s success and we have been lucky to have the support of photographers including Brian McIntosh, Thomas Bissett, Roddy McKenzie, Stephen Bull, Frank Finlayson and Chris Milne.
We hope to use the exhibition to help put the spotlight on the Inverness music scene including our coverage of local acts, festivals and venues.
The event will be sponsored by long term supporters of the website mi inverness. Colin Munro (mi inverness) said “Inverness Gigs provides a fantastic online resource for people to really find out about the local music scene. It’s a great idea to exhibit these images which adds another dimension to the project and helps to promote local music, hopefully this will be the first of many such events.” We have also been able to call on the support of the Creative and Cultural Programmes at Inverness College UHI.
We wish to thank everybody that has been involved in the project so far, it is a massive undertaking which we hope will do the quality of the music scene and the photography justice.
Amateur photographers will be invited to submit work for consideration on inclusion in this event. Details to be announced shortly.
Please have a look at some of our photographs on the site and you can also see our archive via Facebook.