Spoke too Soon came to our attention following the announcement that they would be playing the forthcoming Hit the Road tour (details here). We managed to speak to the lead singer, Joe Stainke (with a little edit from the other guys!)….
This is your first interview, can you tell us about the four of you and how the band came together, are we right in thinking it’s got it something to do with “Alness has got Talent”?
Joe: Hunter and I met in the Highland Youth Big Band and, discovering that we both liked the same music, we decided to start a band. He brought in Ruri on bass and we had a couple of jams without a drummer since we couldn’t find one. Then one of my friends suggested Kieran who I knew a little bit from football and we decided we might as well ask him. We liked him and we all got on with each other and that was that. “Alness has got Talent” was just a talent show at Kieran’s school back in January that he signed us up for. Some of the teachers were pretty angry seeing as only one of us went to school there! [laughs] It was great playing in front of so many people though.
Can you tell us about the influences of the band and subsequently how that translates to the sound of the band?
Joe: We listen to a lot of different types of music and try to reflect that in our sound. When we started, we aimed for a Four Year Strong/A Day To Remember sound: pop punk but on the heavier side, plus a bit of Biffy Clyro. I guess we’re still trying to find our sound at the moment.
How did you get involved in “Hit the Road”?
Joe: After Letlive played at the Ironworks, I got handed a leaflet about it then forgot about it until a few weeks later when Hunter reminded me of it. I sent them the video of our first show (it was all we had recorded at the time) and they phoned a few days after to invite us on the tour. Kieran and I were jamming at the time
After the tour what’s next on the agenda?
Joe: Gonna send the demo around, get our name out there and hopefully get as many gigs as we can.
Anything else to plug?
Joe: Just before the tour, there’s the demo launch at the Novar in Evanton on the 25th.
After that you can get it from www.spoketoosoon.bandcamp.com or any of our other shows and keep up with all our news at www.facebook.com/spoketoosoon
Questions by Chris Lemon
Answers by Joe Stainke
Spoke too soon can be seen at the Novar in Evanton on the 25th of Novemeber, quickly followed by the Ironworks gig on the 2nd of December.