This week at Ceol-Mor, we start the week on er Monday with the Ceol-Mor quiz, now not really a musical event but given that the great and the good of the music scene take part, it’s a great opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the area best yound talent and have a good laugh. Friday the 17th sees Wonderland return to Ceol-Mor, who were one of the first bands to play at the venue, return to Ceol-Mor. Passing the disconcerting ear of Mr O’Connell is worth ackowledging.
Saturday the 17th of September sees Kinky Karma ,predominantly a covers band, who are made up of Graeme Livingstone (vocals) Bryan Wilson (bass guitar) Jim Reade (drums) and Malcolm Gair (guitar). Hosting a wide repetoire, they have certainly earned their stripes!![youtube][/youtube]
Finally on Sunday we have Dave Sharpe who we have previously previewed here, he will be joined with as yet unnanounced guests, curiouser and curiouser!!!!