Recent News
The Desecrator the damned and the classical guitarist
Market Bar hosts an eclectic night of entertainment with The Desecrator, Toby Michaels and Hamish Roberts on Wednesday the 12th of September.
Desecrator and the Highland Death Metal Tea Party
Mark Dubanowski talks about Desecrator and the Highland Death Metal Tea Party to be held on the 23rd of June, 2012 in Dingwall.
Recent News
The Highland Death Metal Tea Party for The Greenhouse
The Greenhouse Community Shop in association with The Tea Posy present The Highland Death Metal Tea Party on Saturday June 23rd 2012 .
invernessGiGs talks to Hamish Roberts
Hamish Roberts will shortly be seen as part of The Soundmen at the Supper Club Festival Launch Weekend (11th to 12th November). He has...
Ruth Fisher talks Jazz Space
With the forth coming Supper Club weekend coming next month (see article here), we manage to catch up with Ruth Fisher the organiser of...
Recent News
Bogbain Music Cafe; 20.02.11 Review
Emma Shearer's review of the Bogbain Session 20/2/2011