A look around

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North Hop 2014 was never billed as a music festival so we were able to get a look at some of the other goings on at the event.

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There was more than enough beer to go round
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Festival goers clearly enjoyed themselves
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The outside in theme, was pulled off with aplomb
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More than music and more than beer the vendors of 10 Dollar Shake, the cocktail catering company, did an impressive trade throughout the weekend.
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Betty Booth also did a roaring trade, Niall from Garden of Elks clearly got in the mood!
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The sound was handled masterfully, but who would mess with them?

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Roddy McKenzie
Roddy McKenzie
Life-long engagement with music and a truly eclectic taste (although prog-rock and metal will usually have me scrambling for the off button). If pushed, I would have to say the Velvet Underground are one of the most important band’s of all time. Although I consider myself first and foremost a photographer, as regards reviewing I guess I cut my teeth in the vibrant fanzine scene of the 80’s. Around the same time I started taking photographs and, to be brief, performance and photography were made for each other: perfect match.

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