Change of Scenery, Same Intent

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A review of Fallen Riot’s new track, ‘Change of Scenery’.

TBP Fallen Riot The Ironworks Inverness UK  DSC3507 199x300 - Change of Scenery, Same Intent
Fallen Riot supporting Funeral For A Friend in June 2013
Having not kept up to date with Fallen Riot since I saw them last in 2012, I had heard that they had lost their singer and so I was unsure of what to expect when I was asked to review their new song ‘Change of Scenery’. I was not disappointed with what I heard.

This is one of those songs that grabs you by the throat from the off. Vocalist and bassist Sean Toye puts real conviction into the beginning repeated lyrics of “No one can save you now” with a raw and cruel sound that is not for the fainthearted.

A brutal solid accompaniment of fast and ferocious drumming, a pounding bass and gritty guitar work race along which compliments the vocal track and the dark mood of the song perfectly.

The guitars and vocals briefly stopping allowing the listener to hear more prominently the majestic bass lines, before abruptly throwing the listener back headfirst into the barbaric rage. The timing then decreases but with just as much power and strength as before till again the vocals and guitars break.

This then delves the song into an unexpected short instrumental melodic passage with the guitars using a tone which becomes atmospherically haunting and eerie.

The performance quality is high throughout, both vocally and instrumentally and I could imagine this track playing beyond bloodied images of violence, rioting or war.

Overall, the song is distinctive and a violent assault on the ears but with a calming melodic infusion which is exactly what I’m sure the band’s intention was. It is easy to see just from this one song how these guys deserved their spot at Bloodstock Festival last year.

For the un-initiated Fallen Riot are;

Sean Toye – vocals/bass
Micky Scott- vocal/guitar
Alan Dent-guitar/vocals
Darren Campbell – drums.

Keep track of the band via Facebook, including news on the video for ‘Change of Scenery’.

A notefrom the editor

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