Hootananny launch a new night for lovers of loud music, Bring the Noise.
Each night will feature a headline band with support act and DJ sets from special guests playing the likes of Queen of the Stone Age, Metallica, Placebo and Weezer.
The debut night (on the 7th of August) will see Paisley based Punk rockers, Carnivores. Indeed, “How could you hate a band that wrote a song called Harrison Fjord?!” asks Q Magazine in a recent feature on talent north of the border. The band released album ‘You DIsgust Me’ earlier in the year and since forming they have played T in the Park, Belladrum and a crowd surfing enducing set at goNORTH this year.
This will be quickly followed up (on the 14th of August) by Atlas : Empire who are currently promoting EP ‘Somonus’, which showcases their “ mixture of forward-thinking alt.rock, ambient electronica and energetic post-hardcore.” Ravechild commented, of the bands recent gig that they are “all about creating massive walls of post-hardcore noise.” Perfect for a Bring the Noise night then !
Doors 8.00 pm with the events finishing round 11 pm (with it being a school night!).