Belladrum 2013 – Sold Out

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Belladrum Festival have announced that the tenth year of the event has now sold out and give details of ways still to get tickets.

TBP Look We Made A Sign Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival DSC06123 300x200 - Belladrum 2013 - Sold Out

A massive congratulations must go to the Belladrum 2013 team for the achievement given the financial climate that has seen festivals throughout the country taking a year (or years) off.

This years festival sees the return of some significant names from Bella’s history including headliners James and Twin Atlantic and the most recent announcement bringing Alabama 3, Shutter and Malcolm Middleton

Following a warning that ticket levels were getting low yesterday, the last 500 have disappeared like snow off a dyke,” said event promoter Joe Gibbs. “Congratulations to those who have bought in time and commiserations to those who haven’t been able for whatever reason.”

People still seeking tickets are encouraged to use  the only approved way of buying and selling or they can buy any unwanted e-tickets via Skiddle, these will be put on-sale via  at 1000 on Tuesday 9 July. Free tickets for children 12 and under can be acquired in this way as can parking passes and information leaflets.

This year, Bella patrons can buy e-tokens for their bar tokens in advance and exchange them on the way in at the box offices. Tokens can also be bought at the usual tokens booth at the event. And tickets are also available for the Portaloo Sunset posh toilets which will be sited at the top of the Red Campsite, near Mother’s Ruin. All these are can be found at

You can see the previous Belladrum 2013 announcements, please also sign up to our mailing list to keep track of all of our coverage of the event.

A notefrom the editor

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.In fairness fifteen years of being a psychiatric nurse never prepared me for the experiences that we have had over the last few years and the evolution of Inverness Gigs has certainly been a steep learning curve.I currently write (less and less), edit and co-ordinate most of the Inverness Gigs activities.Occasionally seen on Twitter, and  LinkedIn, if you want get in touch you can contact me via our Facebook page.

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