Against All Flags play Mad Hatters, Hootananny on the 16th of June, supported by Jaded.
So what is Against All Flags?
“What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? AGAINST ALL FLAGS, that’s what. AGAINST ALL FLAGS . A gang of post -apocalypse 21st century punk pirates are heading down from the wild north, on a looting raid. Don’t think Captain Pugwash, Johnny Depp, or even Errol Flynn and Maureen O’Hara….. think balaclavas, high speed ribs, and kidnaps. AGAINST ALL FLAGS We’ll round up your leaders and deposit them on an uninhabited island, leaving our fans to form a new, flagless government of the people.”
The gig on the 16th marks their first gig prior to playing to playing BBA Taking Control, in Bangor, alongside the likes of The Defects, Charred Hearts, Henry Cluney, Protex, Running Riot, Rural Savage, Shock Treatment 21, Buck Eejit.
Support for the evening will come from Jaded a ska punk band, picked to play “ cos they are cool, and young enough to be our children!”