Kris Douglas reviews 2011

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If you don’t know who the Whisky River Band is, for the love of the little man or woman find out (best click here). The lead singer is Kris Douglas, who was kind enough to review 2011 for us….

What’s your involvement in the music scene?

I am the singer/guitarist for The Whisky River Band.

How has 2011 been for you musically?

Its been amazing, we have had some great opportunities to play some great shows.

What was the best local act this year and why?

Its to hard to call. The highlands has such a great scene and its so diverse as well from electronic to metal, its been fun being apart of it, but if I had to choose it would be The Mighty LJP, they are always on point.

What was the best non-local act you have seen this year?

For me it was C.W Stoneking at Belladrum he was sensational as was his band

What was your favourite music experience this year?

Getting to play Belladrum. Its such a good festival and getting to be apart it was fantastic.

What do you want from Santa?

His secret to growing a gnarly beard:)

What are your plans for 2012?

We are gonna try get into the studio mid Feb to get our new material recorded and just to keep on truckin’

Got anything to plug?

28th & 29th of Dec The Ironworks Winter Showcase’s 1 & 2  and The Market Bar with support from The Frues on the 30th of Dec

Thanks to Kris for his time, he’s not the only Whisky to review 2011 (keep an eye on the site) and McIntosh Photography for the images.

A notefrom the editor

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemon
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.In fairness fifteen years of being a psychiatric nurse never prepared me for the experiences that we have had over the last few years and the evolution of Inverness Gigs has certainly been a steep learning curve.I currently write (less and less), edit and co-ordinate most of the Inverness Gigs activities.Occasionally seen on Twitter, and  LinkedIn, if you want get in touch you can contact me via our Facebook page.

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