Heather Buchanan reviews 2011

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On of the things that the series of reviews has highlighted is the passion of the “regular” gig-goer. Heather Buchanan is a great example, supporting local music as much as possible. So how has 2011 been….

How has 2011 been for you musically?

It’s been a great year for gigs in Caithness.I have been able to see lot of bands and even saw couple Scottish rappers too Stanley Odd and Crazy Cottage

What was the best local act this year. and why?

Always the Sixth, the singer has a gorgeous voice complimenting a very talented band.

What was the best non-local act you have seen this year?

This year best act I’ve seen up here was ,Glasgow’s, Carnivores

What was your favourite music experience this year?

Bfest festival wick organised by Ryan Cook of Blackstairs lounge

What do you want from Santa?

A gift wrapped nice fresh toy boy lol

What’s your hopes for the music scene in 2012?

I hope to see more bands able to get a voice when they don’t have the money to do it. Hidden talent that’s not getting seen or heard. BBC Introducing in Scotland by Ally Mcrae of radio 1 is definitely helping bands with talent be discovered with giving bands a way to upload music. Hope to see more bands come up north to Caithness and let us all hear their talent live.

What are your plans for 2012?

My plans are to keep finding new bands and putting their names out there and hopefully help get a way to pull all gigs together so we all know who’s coming up and when. Seems to be a lack of coordination up this NE of Scotland in Caithness. Highlands etc.

Got anything to plug?

Nope nothing to plug but a list of bands I’ve heard and think are anywhere from good to fantastic.

Thanks very much to Heather for her time.

A notefrom the editor

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Chris Lemon
Chris Lemonhttp://www.igi.gs
A lifelong passion for music matched with a geeky fascination for social media and websites resulted in the creation of Inverness Gigs back in 2010. The aim of the site is to help promote, support and generally raise awareness of the local music scene.In fairness fifteen years of being a psychiatric nurse never prepared me for the experiences that we have had over the last few years and the evolution of Inverness Gigs has certainly been a steep learning curve.I currently write (less and less), edit and co-ordinate most of the Inverness Gigs activities.Occasionally seen on Twitter, and  LinkedIn, if you want get in touch you can contact me via our Facebook page.

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