Having spoke to Gill on Facebook several, it is clear that her enthusiasm for music is almost tangible, so we were very keen to hear her perspective of 2011
What’s your involvement in the music scene?
Definitely a gig goer – am a regular at The Ironworks Box Office, but also encouraging our youngest son to pursue his guitar/music/band career!
How has 2011 been for you musically?
FANTASTIC – attended c.20 gigs with my family, locally and in the central belt!
What was the best local act this year. and why?
Haven’t seen many local bands but Iain McLaughlin & The Outsiders would have to stand out as the best one. Next to them it would have to be The Xcerts from Aberdeen – as we saw them twice!
What was the best non-local act you have seen this year?
Now that’s a REALLY hard question! In the Ironworks…..it would have to be The Young Guns gig (especially as I met Gustav Wood afterwards…..genuinely lovely guy – photo attached!). Best gig attended in 2011 – Theory of a Deadman/Black Stone Cherry/Alter Bridge in SECC at the end of November…..FANTASTIC. Such amazing guitarists!
What was your favourite music experience this year?
Ever since Take That re-grouped as 4 lads and Robbie went solo – I’ve wanted to see them both….and I achieved that this summer at Hampden Park with my mate Ruth. Four gigs in one night – how good is that! An all-time favourite of mine – Pet Shop Boys – supported the boys, then the show really started with Take That (x4), then Robbie (solo) finishing up with Take That (x5). It poured with rain the whole night but the boys put on a fantastic show and really proved just how professional they all are.
What do you want from Santa?
New camera – for photographing all the bands we go to see! A wide selection of CDs/DVDs from my favourite artists.
What’s your hopes for the music scene in 2012?
Lots more ‘big’ bands coming north of the central belt, ie Inveress area. It’s looking good with Thin Lizzy in January and Black Stone Cherry in March. Here’s hoping Ross County FC put on a decent event this summer, building on their success of 2011.
What are your plans for 2012?
Going to become a Granny and a Mother-in-law….doesn’t get much bigger than that!! Musically….it’s gonna be a busy year……Thin Lizzy. Feeder and Black Stone Cherry for starters – and they’re just the local ones! Got around 10 gigs booked already! Guess how I spend my hard-earned cash?!
Got anything to plug?
Two of my mates have their own band – The Dead List – and are currently practicing really hard at The Ironworks….or they’d better be! :-)
Thanks to Gill Simpson for her time.