Last time we previewed a Ben and Ash gig, Ben was good enough to write a poem, this time we managed to get Ben and Ash to answer a few of our questions, many many thanks.
One of our reviewers described Ash as having “a voice which would echo beautifully on any castle wall”, how would you describe your music?
We think our music is melodic, with funky riffs and has a folky twist to it. We find it hard to put ourselves into a genre category, as some of the songs could be put in different genre’s………We like to hear what genre people who have listened to our music would place us in……..feel free to tell us on our facebook page. Sometimes we play just the two of us and sometimes we are joined by Robin Abbot on double bass and Dickie Bills on cajon. We feel that this enhances the sound and gives it a different feel.
from left Ash, Sara Bills,Emily Mackinnon and Megan Blyth
The forthcoming showcase (at the Ironworks)that you are playing sees a great mix of talents, have you seen any of the other acts that you are playing alongside?
We have seen all but one of the other acts who we are playing alongside us in Ironworks. Sara Bills is a good friend of ours and Ben actually plays with Emily Mackinnon as well. Sara and I have done a few gigs together so I’m pleased we were both on in the same show. We have heard some great things about Megan Blyth and she hasn’t heard us play, so we are both looking forward to finally hearing each other.
The week after you are playing Belladrum, how does it feel to be playing the festival?
We are really excited about Belladrum, its great to be playing on the new stage and we were really pleased with the slot we have been given, which is 9pm on Saturday night. It is one of our favourite festivals so to be part of the musicians performing is going to make the weekend!
What are your plans for the next few months?
Our plans are to get our E.P together, its really frustrating not having it to give out as each time we play someone asks about a cd. That is the main goal, along with working on new material and doing more gigs!
If people have not heard of you, what song would you recommend they listen to and why?
The song we would recommend as a first listen would be Castle. We sang it on MFR last night. It also features on the MIDAS highland songwriters showcase cd. People often comment on that song, and it was our favourite for a long time.
Finally do you have anything else to plug?
Well this weeks Ironworks show…….and of course Belladrum performance. We will also be playing in The Seaforth in Ullapool on the 4th, 11th and 18th August. We have a few dates booked for Hootananny coming up too, so keep an eye out. We always have information of our goings on on our facebook page.
Once again thanks to Ben and Ash for their time, you can of course see them next at the Ironworks Summer Showcase on the 28th of July doors from 730pm