It cannot be missed the number and calibre of comedy acts that are visiting the Highlands has been increasing. It could be argued that “live music venues” are diversifying a little in the amount of comedy acts that are on their rosta.
However and this is a big however, the appetite for big name comedy is significant, wether it’s Jimmy Carr doing two nights at the Eden Court, Kevin Bridges at Rockness, Sammy J and the Enchanted Forrest at the One Touch or Reginald D Hunter filling up the Ironworks (to name four of a very long list).
So, my question is, would it not be time for the venues and promoters to get together and plan a comedy festival for a quieter time of year (September/October??). It would bring people into the city, get people from the city out at a difficult time of year and bring a smile to our faces?? It may also bring exposure to smaller comedians (not Ronny Corbett small) and introduce comedy to some of the other venues in town (and vice versa).
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